
2018-07-04 2018-07-04

Invitation to participate in a practical seminar on: "Migration and Development in the Oriental Region of Morocco". That will be organized on Wednesday, June 27, 2018 by the University Center for Migration Studies , at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of Oujda


Preamble: The Centre for Migration Studies of the University of Mohammed First of Oujda will organize a scientific seminar on "Migration and Development in the Oriental Region of Morocco" on Wednesday, June 27, 2018 at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Oujda. This seminar will shed light and study the problematic relationship between migration and development on the national territory in general and the East of Morocco in particular, an area which has become of fundamental importance in recent years, for both local and international community. Aware of the importance of migration in relation to development, international organizations such as the United Nations has made of this problem a major concern both at the level of theoretical approaches and sociological research. The dialogue launched in New York in November 2013, recommended to the countries that attract migrants to include the phenomenon Migration in their development policies and strategy, the European Union, as well has worked to develop a inclusive approach to the phenomenon of migration in its relationship between North-South countries.


This international awareness about the phenomenon of migration in relation to development has revealed how immigrants participate in the development of their countries of origin. The Maghreb countries as an example have developed strategies and policies to ensure that this category of citizens will contribute effectively to development of their countries, because they view migration, as defined by Durkheim in his book: The Division of labour in society, as a key factor that helps progress and development.
In this context, the phenomenon of migration has become a major concern in the public policies of countries. Morocco, for instance, has made a set of programs, strategies and policies about migration, such as the national strategy of migration and asylum to ascertain good governance for the problems of migratory flows, and to make it a lift for economic development through investment in human capital in order to achieve economic development and wealth creation.

The joint initiative on Migration and Development, launched by the United Nations in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and funded by the European Union, aims at enhancing the contribution of migration to development and highlighting its social dimension, as well as encouraging migrants to participate in local development and strengthening the capacities of local administrations.

The Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International cooperation insists on this initiative, which aims at enhancing the contribution of migration to development through the valorisation of its local dimension. This initiative is carried out in the East of Morocco through investment projects and the transfer of migrants' knowledge and experiences to develop agricultural activities in the Oasis of Figuig and contribute to the creation of local economic resources and help achieve local development thanks to the support provided by the immigrants of the region.
Therefore, if migration and development are framed at the national and international level, through a series of agreements and initiatives led by governments and states, local authorities, grassroots groups and entities, by virtue of their proximity to the population and by virtue of their new attributions, can be a tributary of community maintenance and assistance. Migration and development through the participation and contribution of migrants to local development through the provision of support and organization of social sustainability and the creation of local offices to receive guide and support the Moroccans of the world.


Topics of the seminar:

1. Migration and Development what theoretical approaches?

2. Migration as a catalyst for local development in the oriental region of Morocco.

3. Migration and Development: Implications for the territory and community

4. The role of local actors in strengthening the link between migration and development

5. Migration and Local Development in the East of Morocco: Problems and Challenges Participation Program

Date of announcement of the seminar 14 May 2018

Deadline for receiving abstracts May 30, 2018

Announcement of the final program of the seminar 10 June 2018

Date of the seminar 27 June 2018

Languages: ​​Abstracts and interventions (oral) in Arabic and French.


Participation application form is sent to the following mailing address before 30 May 2018.

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