
2nd International Conference on Electronic Engineering and Renewable Energy  Springer  & Elsevier Conference

2020-04-13 2020-04-15


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2nd International Conference on Electronic Engineering and Renewable Energy 

Springer  & Elsevier Conference

13-15 April 2020


Be Live Collection Hotel, Saidia, Morocco
Submission deadline:  December 15th,  2019


On behalf of the program committee, It is our great pleasure to invite you to submit papers to the 2nd International Conference on Electronic Engineering and Renewable Energy  (ICEERE’20), 2020 scheduled from 13-15 April, in Saidia, Morocco.


The scope of ICEERE’20 covers a broad range of hot topics including Electronic Engineering, Control and Instrumentation, Embedded Systems, Communication and Renewable Energy. It will focuses mainly on the application of artificial intelligence techniques, emerging technology and Internet of things in electrical and renewable energy systems including Hybrid systems, Micro-grids, Networking, Smart-health applications, Smart-grid,  Mechatronics, Electric vehicle, etc. The advance of renewable energy applications, would not have been possible without the advance of electronic and information technologies.


With the successful experience of the first edition (in Saidia, Morocoo,  15–17 April 2018), we truly believe that the second edition of ICEERE’20 will achieve greater success and provide a better platform for all the participants (scientists and engineers from all over the world) to have fruitful discussions and  discuss the latest issues and progress in the area of Electronic Engineering and Renewable Energy. We expect that the published papers in the conference will be a trigger for further related research and technology improvements in this importance

Accepted papers will be scheduled for oral or poster presentations and will be included in the conference proceedings. Selected papers with highest reviewers scores will be considered for publication as chapters of a book published by Springer.


Extended version of selected papers will be considered for possible publication in the following reputed journals:

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Elsevier, IF: 3.582)

- Renewable Energy Journal ( Elsevier, IF: 4.357)

- Computers & Electrical Engineering journal (Impact Factor: 1.747)

- MDPI Applied Science Journal (Impact Factor: 1.689)


Other Journals are under confirmation.


      Best Paper Awards 

Awards will be conferred at the conference to the authors of the best posters and the best student paper. Poster presentation will be of great importance in ICEERE’20.

For more details of the conference please visit http://www.iceere.com/iceere20/


We look forward to hearing from you and I hope you’ll strongly consider joining us in making the conference successful.


Conference Topics:

Sensors, Communications and Network

- Wireless and Mobile Communication

- Electronics Engineering and Microelectronics

- Materials, Ciruits and Systems

- Biomedical devices&Medical image processing

- Robotics and Autonomous Systems

- AI & Machine Learning

- Smart IoT, Embedded Systems & Industry 4.0

- Signal, Vision and Image Processing

- Power Electronics, Systems and Applications

- Command and Control Systems for RenewableEnergy

- Electric Vehicles

- Control of Connected Vehicle Systems

- Precision Agriculture

- Soil and water management techniques

- Solar and wind Energy

- Energy Storage and Management

- Smart Homes, Cities and Communities

- Smart Grids & Microgrids

- Artificial intelligence in RE applications

- Renewable Energy Markets and Policies

- Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research    


Important Dates :


- Paper Submission Deadline   : December 15th,  2019 
- Acceptance Notification          : January 30th,  2020

- Camera Ready Deadline        : March 15th,  2020

- Conference Dates                    : 13-15 April 2020


Keynote Speakers: 

The development of a low-cost, robust and real-time analysis system based on electrochemical microsensors for the in-situ monitoring of soil nitrogen 

By Dr. Pierre Tmple-Boyer
Deputy director of LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse-France

Improving human health: Challenges and Methodology for controlling thermal doses during Cancer therapeutic treatment
By Dr. Ahmed Lakhssassi.
University of Quebec, Canada

Active and Reactive Power Regulation in Domestic grid-Connected PV Systems
By Dr. Giuseppe MarcoTina
University of Catania, Italy

Emerging Low Power Wireless Technologies for IoT (ZigBee, 6LoWPAN and LoRaWAN)
By Dr. Ataollah Elahi

Southern Connecticut State University, USA

Advanced methods in photovoltaic output power forecasting: State of the art

Dr. Adel Mellit
University of Jijel, Algeria.

Use of surface plasmon resonance to enhance water splitting process through solar energy excitations

By Dr. Mustapha Jouiad 

Masdar Institute, United Arab Emirates


Thin film Photovoltaics and caracterizations methods

By Dr. Mustapha EL Yaakoubi

TFSC Instrument, France

Big Data and Cloud Computing in Smart Farming

By Mr. Mohamed Ait Alla 

Google, Paris, France


Previous edition:


The first edition was successfully published by  Springer: https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811314049


General Chairs:

B. HAJJI, ENSA-Oujda, Morocco

A. RABHI, University of Picardie Jules Verne, France



J. LAUNAY, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France

A. MELLIT, University of Jijel, Algeria

G. M. TINA, University of Catania, Italy



Prof. HAJJI Bekkay

Emails [email protected]
              [email protected]

Phone: +212-675-078-492

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