4th edition of the International Conference on Materials & Environmental Science
2020-10-01 2020-10-03
Abstracts Submission Deadline: 05th May 2020
Papers Submission Deadline: 05th June 2020
Journals Sciencedirect (indexed Scopus, Web of Science and Elsevier)
This conference brings together high-level policy makers, as well as representatives from the Energy security, Renewable Energy, Environmental sustainability, Water treatment and reuse, Corrosion & Electrochemistry.
Meet our excellent invited speakers and benefit from their experience. Discuss your work with leading experts and benefit of the new proposed Materials and Technology innovation during the Training School in Corrosion Control in the Industry and Technology innovation.
We invite you to submit your scientific contributions to one of the conference topics until 05th May 2020. To take advantage of the diversity in innovative science we will structure the sessions according to our topics.
The submission system, uploading instructions and further information can be found online.
Submitted papers must represent original work, not published or presented elsewhere. Selected Papers written in English will be published in Journals (indexed Scopus, Web of Science and Elsevier)
Full details of the conference, instructions and guidelines in relation to the submission process are available on the ICMES’2020 website: http://www.mocedes.org/icmes2020/
The main topic:
§ Organic, Inorganic and Nanomaterials
§ Materials Physics and Chemistry
§ Natural Products to their Biotechnological Application
§ Quality, Water, Environnement, Health and Safety at Work
§ Soil and water management techniques in Agriculture
§ Emerging Materials for Energy Storage
§ Materials and Devices
§ Advanced Energy Materials
§ Renewable Energies and Sustainable Development
§ Electrical Enigineering and Physics Simulations
Deadlines and important dates:
§ 05th May 2020: Submission of Abstract
§ 30May, 2020: Notification of acceptance
§ 15th June 2020: Submission of full paper
§ October 1-3, 2020: Conferences Dates
Registration fees include :
§ Conference Proceedings
§ Coffee Breaks
§ Attendance at all scientific sessions of ICMES2020
§ Congress material (printed program, abstract book/stick, bag)
§ Training School : In Corrosion Control in the Industry and Technology innovation
§ 2 nights in Hotel all inclusive Saidia with 5 star food (all inclusive).
For more information, please visit the conference website:
E-mail: [email protected]
5*Hotel All in Saidia – Morocco
Publication of Selected Papers ICMES’2018,
1st Mohamed University – Oujda – Morocco, April 26-28, 2018
Volume 13, Part 3,
Pages 453-1258 (2019)
Please share to your colleagues and contacts
You are requested to communicate among your scholars and students
We look forward to your kind reply and participation.
Sincerely yours,
For the Organizing Committee:
Chair: Professor. Dr. Belkheir HAMMOUTI
- Faculty of Sciences,
- 1st Mohamed University – Oujda – Morocco
- President of Moroccan Center for Development & Science
4th International Conference on Materials & Environmental Science
1-3 October 2020, Saidia Morocco